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terraplate drift

terraplate drift

Detect drift in your infrastructure (experimental feature)


Detect drift in your infrastructure and send Slack notifications

terraplate drift [flags]


  -h, --help                   help for drift
  -j, --jobs int               Number of concurrent terraform jobs to run at one time (default 4)
      --notify string          Notification type (only slack supported)
      --notify-on string       When to send a notification (possible values are "all" and "drift")
      --repo-branch string     Branch of the repository to show in notifications
      --repo-name string       Name of the repository to show in notifications
      --results-url string     Provide a custom URL that will be shown in the notification (such as a link to your CI log for easy access)
      --slack-channel string   Slack channel where to send the notification (required if notify=slack)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -C, --chdir string   Switch to a different working directory before executing the given subcommand. (default ".")